LocalGov Drupal Training

Do you have a LocalGov Drupal site that you don’t yet fully understand?

Think you’re not making the most of? Seen something on another site, and wondered “How did they do that?”

We can show you how to get the most out of your website, and will tailor content to the skills and experience of your team

If you don’t know what you need to know, that’s totally fine. We’ll figure it out. But if you do, we can cover:

  • What each of LGD’s content types do, and how to use them.
  • How to use the editor and create content.
  • Other parts of Drupal, like Media, Taxonomy, Blocks and Views.

Training costs £1500 plus VAT per day for up to five trainees. All trainees will need access to a computer with a web browser.

Proud to be a LocalGov Drupal supplier

We are actively working with LocalGov Drupal to make local government websites more accessible, affordable and generally eggcellent!

Currently working with London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. We've contributed HTML publications and soon to deliver some very fancy subsite features which LBHF use to Celebrate Hammersmith and Fulham.

We'd love to create something with you

Email your ideas, brief or chicken jokes to hello@wearechicken.co.uk or book a 30 minute slot with us on Calendly.

Justine with a chicken on her shoulder, she's pretending not to be super happy about it.
... and you might get to meet a real chicken!